Are you looking for practical ministry help to drive your ministry further ... faster? Do you have a sinking feeling that your ministry training didn't prepare you for the real world? Hey ... you're not alone! Join thousands of others in pursuit of stuff they wish they taught in seminary. Published every Thursday the goal of the unSeminary podcast is to be an encouragement to Church Leaders & Pastors with practical help you can apply to your ministry right away. Every week we interview new church leaders who are making a difference in their communities. Each interview is packed full of helpful insights for your ministry!

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Rich has a passion for the local church offering great insights that are not wrapped up in theory alone. The insights and resources that he offers are taught and learned from the trenches of ministry offering practical help that  can be transferable to any setting. The unSeminary podcast is another equipping resource that will equip you in becoming more effective in your ministry. - by SVandop
Each Thursday, I carve out about 30 minutes to listen to the unSeminary podcast with my Evernote file opened, ready to take notes. It does not get more practical than this. You'll be hard pressed to find a more practical & helpful podcast on the nuts & bolts of ministry. - bobby williams