
6 Reasons to (Occasionally) Skip Church Announcements

Announcements are the part of your service that move people to action. They help people take their next steps into community with your church. Why would you want to take a break from that on any given weekend? Here are a few reasons why I think it’s wise to stop doing announcements occasionally at your church:

  • Variety // Sometimes the baseball pitcher who is known for fastballs throws a change-up pitch just to keep his opponent wondering what’s coming next. If your weekend services are always the same … following the same format every weekend … they can become monotonous. Dropping your announcements every once in a while keeps people anticipating what’s coming up next!
  • Clarity // Deliberately not doing announcements means that you must choose what to cut. Communications clarity comes more from what you don’t talk about than what you do talk about. In other words, the effort to reduce what you say helps you decide what is most important to be talking about.
  • Quiet // Can we please stop selling people on coming to our next event? What if you had a weekend at your church where you just had people experience the service as it was happening rather than always focusing on what’s coming up next? Add quiet and remove the temptation to sell something.
  • Big Days // There are three or four days in your calendar when people are more likely to invite their friends — and their friends are more likely to attend. Cut everything else from the communications plan and just ask those friends to come back next week.
  • Teaching Leads // The heart of your weekend service is the message. It’s a significant reason people come to your church and it’s core to your church’s discipleship strategy. Sometimes the weight of the message or the content that you’re talking about warrants not distracting people with anything else. Or your message may have such a strong “call to action” that you don’t want to take away from it by talking about anything else in the service.
  • Tap the Brakes // There are usually behind-the-scenes people involved in preparing announcements. Maybe you have a video team that needs to provide editing or support to your video announcements. Some churches have people who help with graphic design and make slides to support this part of the service. When you decide to have a Sunday without announcements, you give these people a break. It provides relief in the system and helps your team breathe a little.

Looking for more help with your announcements? This FREE 3-part video series is for you.

Are you looking to improve the hosting of your weekend services?

Have you already tried improving this area but aren’t sure what to do next?

Are you ready to take the next steps to increase engagement in your announcements and ultimately your church? I’m releasing a FREE three-part video series designed to help your church with better weekend hosting. The lessons in this series come from my practical experience of hosting hundreds of services in multiple contexts and coaching many other leaders in this area. The three videos are:

  • Video #1: 5 Reasons People Aren’t Listening to Your Hosting. Your first video will clearly define for you why people aren’t paying attention to the announcements in your services.
  • Video #2: The One Best Practice to Ensure Higher Engagement with Your Announcements. In this video, you will understand what the single most important practice thriving churches change about their announcements to improve engagement.
  • Video #3: 3 Church Hosting Myths Debunked. Finally, you will dive into three misunderstood myths about hosting announcements that move people to action.

[Click here to learn more and enroll for FREE today.]


  1. Rich – when you say announcements, what would you include under this umbrella? Would you also skip a general welcome to guests? Skip letting them know where to get a free gift for being new? Skip communicating about a church connections card or the like to provide prayer requests or request information?

    Would those all be included in this line of thinking… or do you just mean skipping announcements about ministries/events/etc?

    1. Josh!

      Good clarification … Just the stuff about programs and ministries. First time guests are the highest priority! We always want to focus on them!

      – Rich

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Rich Birch
Rich Birch is one of the early multi-site church pioneers in North America. He led the charge in helping The Meeting House in Toronto to become the leading multi-site church in Canada with over 5,000+ people in 18 locations. In addition, he served on the leadership team of Connexus Church in Ontario, a North Point Community Church Strategic Partner. He has also been a part of the lead team at Liquid Church - a 5 location multisite church serving the Manhattan facing suburbs of New Jersey. Liquid is known for it’s innovative approach to outreach and community impact. Rich is passionate about helping churches reach more people, more quickly through excellent execution.His latest book Church Growth Flywheel: 5 Practical Systems to Drive Growth at Your Church is an Amazon bestseller and is design to help your church reach more people in your community.